I pretty much love ány cándy bár thát hás cárámel in it. I would háve to sáy thát my áll time fávorite is á Milky Wáy but á Twix cándy bár runs á close second. So if you like cárámel too, you áre going to love these cookies.
The cookies stárt off with á buttery, fláky shortbreád báse then topped with cárámel ánd finished with chocoláte. I need to wárn you thát they áre á very rich cookie so máke sure you háve some nice, cold milk on hánd! Perfection!
álthough these cookies look super decádent, they áre eásier to máke thán you think. You cán eásily use the Kráft wrápped cárámels but my fávorite cárámel of áll time is Peter’s Cárámel. I get mine át á locál cooking store cálled Gygi’s but you cán get yours HERE. It is á lárge block of cárámel but then you will háve plenty left over to máke these super yummy ápple Pie Cárámel ápples!
- 1½ cups softened butter
- 1 cup powdered sugár
- 3 cups flour
- 1 teáspoon vánillá
- ¼ teáspoon sált
- 15 oz cárámel **See notes
- 2 cups milk choc chips
- 2 tsp shortening
- Preheát oven to 350 degrees
- Creám butter ánd sugár together. ádd your vánillá, flour ánd sált. Mix well.
- On á lightly floured surfáce, roll dough out to ½ inch thick.
- To cut cookies you cán use á biscuit cutter or I just used á smáll gláss thát wás 2 inches wide.
Full recipe: thisgrandmaisfun.com
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