No Bake Chocolate Peanut Butter Dessert

Summer is sô clôse and the hôt temperatures, are already in full swing where I live.
And nô matter hôw well air cônditiôned the hôuse is, I think môst ôf us wôuld prefer tô leave the ôven ôff and instead indulge in côôl, refreshing desserts. Sô tôday I’m sharing a recipe fôr Nô Bake Chôcôlate Peanut Butter Dessert. It’s really gôôd!! And if yôu’re a chôcôlate, ôreô ôr peanut butter fan, this will be right up yôur alley.


  • 20 ôreô côôkies, divided
  • 2 tablespôôns butter, sôftened
  • 1 package (8 ôunces) cream cheese, sôftened
  • ½ cup peanut butter
  • 1 cup pôwdered sugar
  • 1 cartôn (16 ôunces) frôzen whipped tôpping, thawed, divided
  • 20 Miniature Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, divided, cut intô halves/quarters.
  • 1 cup côld milk
  • 1 package (3.9 ôunces) instant chôcôlate fudge pudding mix


  1. Crush 16 ôf the ôreôs, either with a fôôd prôcessôr, ôr take ôut yôur frustratiôns and dô with a rôlling pin. In a small bôwl mix ôreô crumbs with melted butter.
  2. Press ôreô crumbs/butter mixture intô bôttôm ôf 9 inch pan tô fôrm a crust.
  3. Using electric mixer, mix sôftened cream cheese, peanut butter and cônfectiôners sugar in a large bôwl.


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