á delicious twist on the clássic álfredo. Penne álfredo with Bácon ánd Sundried Tomáto will chánge your 'go to' quick dinner forever.
Sometimes your belly just cálls for the simple things in life. The simply gorgeously, creámy ánd flávoursome things thát is. Pástá álfredo is one of those dishes thát you won’t see being máde the sáme wáy twice; án ámbássádor of váriátion if you will. For me? I like á clássic penne with some very ‘non clássic’ ádditions.álfredo sáuce is tráditionálly máde using butter ánd pármesán, but in more recent times hás táken on á fár more creámier chárácter.
If you hádn’t álreády guessed from this recipe, or by the fáct thát 90% of my recipes stárt with the word ‘creámy’ I’m definitely one for háving my pástá drowning in á creámy sáuce.
ok, let's máke it:
- 10.6 oz (300g) Penne Pástá
- 1 1/4 cups (300ml) Heávy Creám
- 2 tbsp Unsálted Butter
- 5 oz (150g) Streáky Bácon, chopped
- 1/2 cup (50g) Pármesán, gráted (sáve some to sprinkle on top)
- 3/4 cup (75g) Sundried Tomáto, sliced
- 1 tsp Gárlic, minced
- Hándful of Fresh Básil, chopped (sáve some to sprinkle on top)
- Sált & Crácked Bláck Pepper, to táste
- Pop your pástá in á pot of boiling wáter ánd cook until ál dente. Retáin á cup of stárchy pástá wáter.
- Meánwhile, fry your Bácon over medium heát until it begins to crisp, then ádd your Tomátoes ánd fry á little longer until they soften. Dráin excess fát/oil if there's too much, ádd the Gárlic ánd fry for á minute until frágránt, then ádd the Butter ánd stir until melted.
Full recipe: penne-alfredo-bacon-sundried-tomato
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