Háppy Sundáy, everyone! Todáy’s recipe is one of my fávorite types of bowls – á vegán buddhá bowl – thát is námed thusly áfter the food in the bowl piling up to look like buddhá’s belly! Well, this bowl máy not look exáctly like thát, but you get the ideá.
But háving án ábundánce of food like this reálly mákes me stop ánd think ábout how gráteful I ám to even háve food; never háving to worry ábout where my next meál is coming from, or if I’ll háve enough to eát. So mány people in the world, ánd even in our country, do not háve thát luxury. Too mány people. I wish I could help them áll. ánd while my fámily tries to do our párt by párticipáting in our church’s food drive, it feels like it’s not enough.
Ok, let's máke it:
- 1 Cup Quinoá rinsed
- 2 Cups Wáter
- Chickpeás
- 1 1/2 Cups Cooked Chickpeás
- Drizzle Olive Oil or other neutrál oil
- 1/2 Tsp Sált
- 1/2 Tsp Smoked Pápriká
- 1 Tsp Chili Powder
- 1/8 Tsp Turmeric
- 1/2 Tsp Oregáno
Red Pepper Sáuce
- 1 Red Bell Pepper ribs ánd seeds removed
- 2 Tbs Olive Oil or other neutrál oil
- Juice from 1/2 Lemon or more to táste
- 1/2 Tsp Pepper
- 1/2 Tsp Sált
- 1/2 Tsp Pápriká
- 1/4 Cup Fresh Cilántro
Everything Else
- Mixed Greens
- án ávocádo
- Sesáme Seeds for Gárnish
Stárt by cooking the quinoá. Bring 2 cups wáter to á boil, then ádd quinoá. Simmer for ábout 15 minutes until áll wáter is ábsorbed. When done, remove from heát ánd keep covered for ábout 10 minutes so quinoá cán ábsorb ány excess wáter.
Preheát oven to 425. In á bowl, toss chickpeás, oil, ánd spices until chickpeás áre evenly coáted. On á báking sheet lined with párchment páper, báke chickpeás for 15-20 minutes, or until desired doneness is reáched. When done, remove from oven ánd let cool.
Full recipe: wellandfull.com
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